Elijah Online School (FREE!)

Under our guidance, success rates may reach 90% in just 2 to 3 lessons

To take our LD/OBE study on a new level, we have made our online school FREE for you. Elijah Online School includes not only webinars of experienced practitioners and instructors, but also a section with personal help, a practical quest with 100 techniques, and all learning materials. And all is for 100% free, no stings attached. Sounds insane, yeap?

How is it possible? We train future volunteers for our researches. We hope that some of you will get real experience and then participate in our experiments.

What We Give You:

  • extremely intensive practice and very quick results
  • help you see your own mistakes in your practice
  • the most progressive teaching methodologies
  • teach you to analyze your own personal practice
  • books, audiobooks, and much much more!

Some reports from our webinars

Peter: …After a while I got conscious and did the separations techniques. I tried rotating but actually started to feel my physical body rotating, OK that’s too early I thought. I went with changing positions, peering into images, then back to rotating and managed to fall off my bed on the other side! I now was flat on the floor. The fall (how slow it went, as if dropping a balloon) made me 100% certain I was in fact in the phase. The first thing I did was yelling: Thank you Michael!..

Delphine: …Once on the right side I relax and feel this particular moment of lightness, I’m there. I push a little to let me fall to the ground gently. I slip along the bed, my skull touches the ground first then slips, I feel the cold on my cheek, it goes very slowly it’s nice. Then the shoulders touch the ground, I think at that moment to turn me into a cat (Michael technique in the book), get up on 4 legs, I put myself in position and walk but it does not work, I get up. Then I go for the Elijah goal, lot of emotion and tears but in a good way, fabulous moment in a paradise island swimming with dolphins too, amazing…

John: …I then tried observing a void in front of me, waiting to see if some dream images would appear again and after a few seconds they were starting to come in. Since rolling my eyes usually brought me back to the physical body I just tried to picture myself in a different body position and then try to be at the mirror. I did manage to see myself at the mirror. However, it was more like before where I was seeing the dream images like a movie – so I was partially in the physical body but partially in the phase. I focused on being at the location of the mirror, I started touching the walls in my surroundings in order to try to deepen the effect. I also went to the kitchen in the phase to eat something. I then performed my third task in my plan of action which is to say one line from a poem and then started counting breaths which is one of the project Elijah experiments…

Eduard: …I decided to take advantage of this occasion much more determined to repeat the FFA steps: relaxation, fell asleep, awakening, concentrate the head sounds which I amplified and in the same time I found the vibrations which I amplified them also; in the next moment i planned to levitate and it started to happen, to levitate to the ceiling. I saw my body on the bed, in position with my face down, i looked in the mirror and see my body in the bed and the other objects after that I got out trough the door to the hall, and started to touch the shoe self and touched the shoes after that I went to a an armchair, after that I touched a shoehorn and in that moment i immediately went back to my body…

Pine: …I was in the phase, looking around, in the bedroom. I recalled my goal of going outside to fly with Angels (since angels were part of elijah experiment I think) and as I headed for the door I thought it would be quicker to go through the window so I went towards the window but I had some fears about breaking the window as I thought about jumping through it…

Lorenzo: …So, I felt asleep and later I woke up. I was already standing up next to my bed (in the phase). I tried to do my plan of action but I looked at my hands to confirm I was in the phase and I pulled my finger (it stretched super long). I also pulled my tongue (it stretched too) but when I let my tongue go, it bounced back to my face and brought me back to my body. I tried to re-enter with separation technique but it did not work…

Pagoda: …I found myself in my backyard petting some cats. I continue to pet these cats then I realized I was in the phase.These cats look different and I don’t have that many cats to begin with. I start to apply deepening and maintaining techniques, touching the walls and rubbing my hands together. It feels so real, I carry out my plan of action. I wanted to eat some curry, so I walk into the kitchen and open up the fridge. There’s so many tupperware I’ve never seen before, I keep looking for curry in the fridge but don’t find any. I find some strawberries and resort to that. I take a bite out of them and too my surprise they taste so sweet maybe a bit better than waken reality….

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